Sunday, August 29, 2010

HOW: New Features in Google Docs

I'm not sure why Google Docs is telling me there are new features today (can't find any), but still, if you're not using Google Docs I urge you to give 'em a try.  It's basically like having MS Word, Powerpoint and Excel in your browser.  For free.  Everywhere you have an internet connection.  I'm a Mac guy, and I've even left behind the iWork suite for Docs!  Docs makes my beloved Apple's cloud-based iWork beta seem hopelessly klugey in comparison, though I do use Keynote for presentations when I need to "wow."

I use Docs aggressively both inside and outside of class for work and personal projects.  They've become pretty integral to the way I create and manage text files and in-class presentations.  I've also been pleased to hear many students say this is now how they write papers and create school documents.  What pleases me about this is that it's free and functional and makes collaboration (sharing and commenting) easy for both students and instructors.  Technology!  Facilitating human endeavor!  Yes!

You can find a new features list here.  And the two videos below provide a nice overview.

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